Office Address

  • 29 Bissau Avenue, East Legon - Ghana
  • +233 203 555 444

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Frank Owusu Ansah

Frank Owusu Ansah

- Audit Service Director

Personal Details

Frank Owusu Ansah is a successful Entrepreneur, a charted accountant, and a Tax Expert with over 13 years of working experience. Founder and co-founder of many businesses offering financial-related services, Mr. Frank served as a board member of prestigious institutions and businesses. A practicing member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants  Ghana (ICAG), Chartered Institute of Tax Accountant (CICTA) -Ghana, Certified International Tax Accountant (CITA) -UK, Chartered Certified Forensic Accountant (CCFA) and a practicing member of Ghana Institute of Consulting (GIC). He is known for his high sense of professionalism and ability to mentor and nurture growing business. Serving in the Audit service department of ADIL, he heads a team of financial experts and consultants rendering numerous services to ADIl in its financing programs.